Thursday 11 February 2016

Forex As An The Asset Class

Forex as an asset class
Historically currencies were not regarded as an asset class, but rather as a medium of exchange facilitating the trade of other assets. Now with a daily turnover of $5.4 trillion, of which Spot transactions account for more than $2 trillion, it’s fair to say that a great deal of Forex’s daily turnover is speculative in nature, meaning that today an increasing percentage of traders and investors treat foreign exchange as an asset class in its own right.
Increasingly level playing field
This applies to all trading instruments, but especially to online Forex. The same technologies that have made online Forex trading possible have also made information freely available. Nowadays resources that were once only available to large financial institutions are open to everyone. In addition to this, the speed at which information travels across the globe has meant that a trader monitoring their open positions from home can react just as swiftly as a professional trading from the very thick of it in London, New York, or Tokyo. Knowledge is indeed power, and today’s information technology provides it in abundance. Especially considering how incredibly complex the Forex markets are, and the myriad of influences which they are subject to, both macro and micro-economic, online traders are now better positioned than they have ever been in the past to take advantage of information and use it to manage their capital intelligently.

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