Tuesday 2 February 2016

Forex Trading-A Trending Online Business

Forex is one of the trending online business to venture into if you want want to do work from home business; this is not without risk, but the risk can be minimized if you understand the basics of trading Forex. Forex is about exchange between currencies of your choice. these are basic information you need to equip yourself with to succeed in Forex trading. 
Forex traders often use a variety of economic data to determine where a given country’s economy and currency may be headed next. This data may include: Gross Domestic Product (GDP), imports, exports, employment, unemployment, growth, debt and many other factors. Collectively, these factors are often referred to as the fundamentals. Therefore, fundamental analysis refers to the analysis of any data, as well as the actual price patterns of the currency itself. The price patterns frequently impact on the value of the currency on the Forex market.

Supply and Demand

The value of currencies responds to changes in supply and demand. For example if the demand for US Dollars rises, so will the value of the Dollar (USD). Likewise if there are too many Dollars available on the market their value will drop along with the demand.

Forex Currency Pairs

Currencies on Forex are traded in pairs – one currency’s value either drops or rises in comparison to another. Currencies are represented by a three-letter abbreviation such as: USD, JPY or EUR. In the currency pair the first currency is called the base currency and the trailing is called the quote currency. The price at any given moment shows how much of the quote currency is needed to equal one unit of the leading or base currency.

For example:
When the EUR/USD pair is priced at 1.5000, this means that it takes 1.5 US Dollars to exchange for 1 Euro. If the Euro rises in value, then the EUR/USD price will also rise as more US Dollars are needed to buy each Euro. Likewise, if the Euro drops in value, then the price of the EUR/USD pair will also drop as fewer US Dollars are now required to equal each Euro.

The value of the leading or base Forex currency is not the only factor in determining the value of a particular currency pair. Any change in the value of the trailing or quote currency also affects this relationship.

So, in the same example, if the US Dollar now rises in value, then the EUR/USD pair would drop as fewer Dollars are now needed to buy each Euro. If the US Dollar drops in value, then the EUR/USD price would rise, as more US Dollars are now required to equal each Euro.

Interest Rates

Another key factor that influences the value of a given currency is the constantly changing interest rate. Interest rates are determined by the central bank of a particular country.

For example:
If the Federal Reserve (Fed) in the United States lowers its interest rate, then the value of the US Dollar usually drops, causing the EUR/USD pair to rise. If the Fed raises interest rates, then the US Dollar will typically go up as well, causing the EUR/USD to drop.

Central banks are always caught in a delicate balancing act. If a country’s currency gets too strong, its exports become too expensive and other countries may look elsewhere.

Higher interest rates also tend to attract more foreign investments, which is why the currency of that country frequently goes up with the interest rates. Meanwhile, cheaper interest rates tend to stimulate lending inside the country and therefore economic growth.

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